Selected Cases Types of Cases Have Included: Assault/Rape at a Shopping Center Sexual Assault at a Shopping Center The Shooting of a Customer by a Third Party in a Shopping Center Parking Lot An Arson Fire at a Department Store Located in the Mall Accidental Shooting of Customer by Retailer Employee Triple Homicide in the Parking Lot of a Large Shopping Center Retailer Firing of Loss Prevention Employees for alleged policy violation Assault at a Strip Center Restaurant Aggravated Assault in the Parking Lot of a Bar Innocent Customer Knocked Over by a Shoplifter Being Chased by Loss Prevention Associates Trip and Fall on a Staircase in a Crowded Theater Homicide During a Carjacking in a Mall Parking Garage Rape Inside a Tenant Space in a Strip Mall False Detention by Retailer Loss Prevention Agent Crowd Control Issues at a Theater Loss Prevention Procedures During Apprehensions Issues Have Included: Inadequate Security Company Policies Proper Training / Inadequate Training Negligent Security Inadequate Lighting Inoperable CCTV Equipment Foreseeability Crowd Control Defective Stairs